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Submit Your Full Research Paper Online
Important :

Please see that you submit registration fees along with registration form within 3 days otherwise it will not be possible for us to process your manuscript. Your manuscript will be sent for blind review to two experts anywhere in the world and their decision will be final and binding. Please note that registration fees will not be returned by us whether your manuscript is accepted or rejected by the experts. Decision of experts will be informed within a 7 days of receipt of registration fees. If your manuscript is accepted, it will be published in Special Conference Issue. If your manuscript is rejected, you will be permitted to submit to another journal.

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Main Author Name (Surname or Family name first)
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To which of the following journal you wish to submit paper The IRJSSH The IRJCLM The IRJPAS
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The facts and views in the manuscript are ours and we are totally responsible for authenticity, validity and originality etc. I / We undertake and agree that the manuscripts submitted to your journal have not been published elsewhere and have not been simultaneously submitted fully or partly to other journals , nor is it under review for publication elsewhere. I / We also declare that manuscripts are our original work and we have not copied from any where else. There is no plagiarism in our manuscripts. Our manuscripts whether accepted or rejected will be property of the publisher of the journal and all the copyrights will be with the publisher of the journal. I have read and downloaded the Instructions from Publishers , Guidelines for Submission of Manuscript and Ethical Guidelines on the website and agree to abide to it .
I / We do agree. I / We do not agree.
Manuscript should be strictly according to our format and authors should follow instructions to authors while preparing and submitting the manuscript