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Invitation to Scholars.

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that we are bringing THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES , An Official International Double Blind Peer Reviewed Referred Recognised Open Access Quarterly Scientific e Research Journal of The Global Association of Social Sciences included in the International Serial Directories . IRJSSH provides instant , worldwide and barrier - free access to the full -text of all published manuscripts to all interested readers in the best interests of the research community. IRJSSH do not sell published manuscripts and offer all published manuscripts free of cost to all members, researchers, libraries, organizations, companies and universities. Open access allows the research community to view, download, print, and redistribute any manuscript without a subscription, enabling far greater distribution of an author's work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model. Authors may also use their published .pdf's on their own or institution's website. Many authors in a variety of fields have begun to realise the benefits that open access publishing can provide in terms of increasing the impact of their work, because there is at all NO CHARGE to access its research content. The publication costs of a manuscript are paid from an author's research budget, or by their supporting institutions.

The Journal publishes Research Work in all aspects of Social Behavioural Sciences and Humanities.


Communication Studies

Human Biology

Guidance and Counseling

Economics and Economic Growth

Women and Gender Studies

Regional Planning and Agrarian Relations

Tribes , Minority and Weaker Sections

Developmental Studies

Social Welfare and Administration

International Law

Social Legislation

Political Science , Public Administration ,

Law , Legal Studies and Management

NGO’s , Social Movements and Revolutions

Trade Union and Personnel Management

Behavioural Sciences

Journalism and Media Studies

Social Geography , GIS and GPS , Environment and Ecology

Labour and Organizational Studies , Labour Legislation and Industrial Relations


History and Archeology

International Relations and Security Studies

Scientific Studies

Sociology of Health and Medicine , Mental Health and Stress

Languages , Linguistics and Literature

( Prose , Novel , Poetry and Drama )


Acrobatics , Buskin and Comedy

Public Policy

Dance , Magic , Music and Opera

Tourism Development and Studies

Film , Juggling and Marching Arts

Commerce , Industry and Business Studies

Theatre and Brass bands

Psychiatry and Psychology


Sociology and Social Work

Religion and Religious Studies


Visual Arts


Media Types – Drawing and Painting

Education and Motivational Theories

Citizenship , Ethnicity , Pluralism and Nation

Human Development

Home , Child and Nutrition Management


Ancient Greek and Roman Culture

Sustainable Development

Imaginative Work (Stories , Poems and Play)

Rural Development

Performing Arts

Library and Information Science

Study of  Classics

Human Resources Development and Management

Music – Performance , Education , Theory and Composition , Listener’s Point of View

The above mentioned tracks are only indicative and not exhaustive.

It is further to inform to your good-self that the Full Copy of the upcoming issue will be duly available on the Home page and as the time passes , the FULL COPY of the previous issues will be made duly available on the home page of respective journal on our website i.e.  You may download any of them free of cost. It is important to mention here that we have taken all measures to publish quality Research Papers / Case Studies etc. belonging to latest research in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities . You may submit unpublished novel, original, empirical and high quality research work pertaining to recent developments & practices in the all the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities and in allied subjects as well .You can submit the soft copy of manuscript anytime in M.S. Word format after preparing the same as per our submission guidelines at the email addresses:

Please encourage your faculties and research scholars and students to submit original research papers. If your good-self have any queries, please feel free to contact us at ..

Hoping an appropriate consideration by your good-self. 

With kind regards and best wishes, 

Yours sincerely,

Secretary and Editor – in – Chief ( Hon. )

Mobile  + 91 94253 82228

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The International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

The Global Association of Social Sciences ,

Registered India Office

Sector FH / 369 , Vijay Nagar , Scheme No. 54 ,

Behind Shekhar Residency , Indore , Madhya Pradesh , PIN 452010 , INDIA

Mob. +91  94253  82228

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